Wake up , and try to do something productive today. Finish a project that you’ve been planning to get done for ages, reply to an email thats is still in progress, write a blog post that you were meant to do last week.
Tick one thing of your To Do List and you will feel so much better.
There is this cool Teux Deux browser baseD To Do app that you can sync with your iphone.
Check it out , it might help you to keep on track.I just stated using it yesterday, so still working it out, but looks helpful so far.
Ask yourself “is what I’m doing right now getting me closer to what I want to achieve.”
Stop procrastinating and Just DO it
Just Do It print available here
Favourite part when I wake up (if I have time) …coffee + mac + checking out news / blogs / and emails in bed
New work in progress/ sketches etc
“Do Something today , that your Future self will thank you for” Love this quote, and it should be one to live by. Any quotes you love , that inspires you? Love collecting them on my pinterest , I might even make a wall of creative type posters in my studio soon…
Thanks for checking my blog!
Filed under: Collage, INSPIRATIONS, Typography, Uncategorized Tagged: art, collage, FASHION, illustration, inspiration, living, motivation, productive, typography